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follow this advice befe you hit the road:follow this advice befe you hit the road:follow this ad

信息来源: Follow this advice before you hit the road:Follow 发布日期:2011-7-12 点击

  • Keep glucose goods close at hand. If you are traveling by plane, pack your medications, insulin, syringes, test strips, lancets, ketone strips, and other supplies so there s no chance of losing them. Consider bringing extra supplies in your checked luggage. Make sure all medications bear the original pharmacy prescription labels. If you don t already have one, get a medical ID bracelet or necklace that alerts people that you have Diabetes and provides a number to call in an emergency.

    Keep glucose goods close at hand. If you are traveling by plane,pack your medications,insulin syringes,test strips,lancets,ketone strips,and other supplies so there’s no chance of losing them.Consider bringing extra supplies in your checked luggage.Make sure all medications bear the original pharmacy prescription labels.If you don’t already have one,get a medical ID bracelet or necklace that alerts people that you have Diabetes and provides a number to call in an emergency.

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联系人:林先生 联系电话:13501881129 技术支持:珍岛集团